A recording of webinar on the ZTC degree held during Open Education Week, featuring:
- TJ Bliss, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
- Kimberly Burkle, Northern Virginia Community College
- Linda Williams, Tidewater Community College
A recording of webinar on the ZTC degree held during Open Education Week, featuring:
Who should be eligible to receive grants? Community Colleges? 4 year institutions? 4 year institutions only with articulation agreements with Community Colleges? If 4 year institutions, does the z-degree have to be a full degree program? What are attractive and effective options?
Discussion notes from the meeting are here: http://goo.gl/1vdPe6
An important question raised during the discussion of other OER concerns (see http://goo.gl/kwY8qT ): is quality sufficient for adoption?
The OER Research discussion group listed a number of questions that could be taken up by researchers. (see http://goo.gl/2w4qJU).
What do you consider the most pressing needs for research in OER? What evidence do we need to show impact of z degree programs?
During our meeting, the group that discussed awareness raising identified goals, audience, and communication strategies (see notes http://goo.gl/jCpk1H).
What are the key messages we should communicate about the z-degree? What’s the evidence or support for these messages?